Provide preventive maintenance service for all E&M installation service, and provide over 10 technicians for daily E&M installation operation.
Hopewell Centre is located at 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, and it is 3-year term contracts for the maintenance works, operation and repair work for Chiller plant and Mechanical Ventilation Air-conditioning Systems at Panda Place.
The period of contract is Mar 2016 to Fed 2019.
Scope of works
Maintenance service for the following building services:
- Daily operation services for MVAC system
- Emergency Call Services
- Routine maintenance of weekly, monthly and annual as below equipment:
- Water cooled chiller
- Cooling towers
- Chilled water pump
- Condenser water pump
- Airside equipment (AHU, PAU, FCU and Ventilation system
- Equipment list
- Water-cooled Centrifugal chiller ~4 sets Total 2230 RT
- Water-cooled screw chiller ~ 2 sets Total 770 RT
- Chilled water pump ~13 sets
- Condenser water pump ~ 7 sets
- Cooling tower ~ 6 sets
- PAU and AHU ~ 102 nos.
- Fan Coil Unit ~Over 77 nos.
- Ventilation fan ~Over 125 nos.